Do I already have to be a police academy graduate to become a police agent?

No, the Lakewood Police Department in conjunction with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office runs a Colorado P.O.S.T. certification academy.

Are there civilian jobs within the police department?

Non-sworn positions within the department include police dispatchers, police information management technicians, community service officers, animal control officers, code enforcement officers, crime scene analysts, the forensic services team, investigative technicians and administrative staff throughout our divisions - all with opportunity for advancement.  Civilian positions within the police department are subject to a background investigation, polygraph test, psychological examinations and a hair follicle drug screen.

Do I have to live at the academy?

No, the academy is full time, and recruits are not allowed to hold other employment, but recruits return to their own homes each night. The academy consists of eight-hour days, Monday through Friday, though some training will be required on weekends and nights.

Will I have to cut my hair, shave my beard or get rid of my earring?

Fresh shaves are required daily, and no facial hair or sideburns are allowed while in the academy. Wedding rings and watches may be worn, but no other jewelry is allowed during the academy. Females with long hair must wear it pulled back, off the collar. No colored fingernail polish will be allowed during the academy. Police agents are not allowed to display visible tattoos while on duty.

Will I have to pay to attend the Regional Training Academy?

No, all recruits are paid by the City of Lakewood as full-time employees and receive benefits while in the academy.

I have a relative with a criminal background. Will that affect my chances of being hired?

Probably not, but each case is based on information gathered during the background investigation. Please address specific concerns with the investigator assigned to you.

I have some "issues" in my background. Will this affect my chances of being hired?

It depends. Many issues are viewed on a case-by-case basis, but some will be cause for immediate disqualification. Please review the minimum qualifications and address specific issues with your background investigator.

Are there any age restrictions?

Yes, all applicants must be at least 21 years old.

What does the background investigation cover?

Previous employment, military service, criminal record, driving record, credit history, high school and college transcripts, drug use, alcohol use, truthfulness, character and any other relevant information.

Can I be a detective or CSI without being an agent?

No, all detectives and CSIs begin their careers as police agents.

Does the Lakewood Police Department require a college degree?

Yes, all applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree. The degree may be in any subject area, but there are no exceptions to this requirement.

Will I have to buy a lot of equipment?

No, the department provides most of the equipment, including a ballistic vest and uniforms.

Can I choose my shift/assignment?

Upon initial graduation, new agents are generally "slotted" and assigned to where staff is needed. Before the start of each calendar year, agents choose their shift, days off and area of the city to patrol based on seniority. All agents work a four day work week consisting of 10 hour shifts.

What are the salary and benefits?

Why don’t I have to submit my driving record?

The Police Department has the ability to check motor vehicle records via computer.

How do I obtain a copy of my birth certificate?

Contact the Health Department - Vital Records in the state in which you were born.

Is there a maximum age limit or specific weight and height requirement for police agents?

No, but you must be able to pass the physical abilities test.

If I don’t make it through the recruitment process, do I have to reapply next time?

You must submit an application each time you apply for a police recruit position.

What does the physical ability test consist of?

The essential functions test is an obstacle course approximately 200 yards long.  While wearing a police duty belt carrying standard police equipment, you must climb over a six-foot and a four-foot fence, duck under and run around various obstacles, climb stairs, identify a suspect, jump onto and off of a platform and drag a 150-pound dummy 24 feet, all within a certain time limit.

What is the application and hiring process like?

Please see the Hiring Process.

What is an I-9 Form?

An I-9 is an Employment Eligibility Verification form distributed by the U.S. Department of Justice - Immigration and Naturalization Service. You will be required to complete and sign the I-9 within three days of your employment. You must also furnish the requested identification within the same three days.